Personal Profile
SurnameName: Alkaff
First Name: Abdullah
Other names: Abdul Rahman, Omer
Nationality: Yemeni
Date of Birth: 08-3-1948
Marital Status: Married
Education background
-PhDin Applied Linguistics, Exeter University, England 2000.
-M.ED.Leeds University, Leeds England, 1986.
-D.A.S.E(Diploma of Advanced Studies in Education, Linguistics and English Language Education,
Lancaster University, Lancaster, England 1984.
-B.A.Aden University, Aden 1974.
1974-1975Secondary School Teacher.
1975-1980Researcher, Education Research Center, Aden.
1980-1983Head of English Language Department, Education Research Center, Aden.
1980-1983Coordinator Girl Education Project UNESCO/YEMEN.
1986-1987Part Time Lecturer, College of Education, Aden University, Aden 1.
1987-1992National Director, In & Out of School Population and Family.
Life EducationProject with UNFPA & UNESCO
-AssistantProfessor of Applied Linguists, Aden University College of Education
-Lecturerand teacher trainer, B.A. level EL T
-Lecturerand Supervisor, MA' program in applied linguistics and translation
-Lecturer and Supervisor, Higher Diploma in Translation.
-Visiting Professor, Sultan Quabos University, Oman
2005/2007Dean Center for British, American and Translation Studies, Aden University.
2016.Acting Rector Ibn Khaldoon University, Aden, YR private university
I(1) an extended Article on The History of Education, The Educational Magazine,Aden, PDRY 1980.
(2)Translated Articles on Polytechnic Education, the Educational Magazine, AdenPDRY 1979.
II Author of:
(1) Intensive Reading, atextbook for the third year secondary science section, PDRY. 1979
(2) A work-book for form VIII of the 8 - yearUnity School, PDRY 1981
-ABrief Review of the Unity School Syllabus: Technical Report for the EducationResearch
Center, Ministry of Education, Aden
III Co-author of:
(1)English for the Unity School Book 1, Aden PDRY 1982
(2)The Yemeni Reader for form III of the Teacher Training Institutes. Aden, PDR 1983
In The Field of Population Education
Supervisor and editor of the following materials:
(1)Final Report on The Consultative Meeting of the in & out of SchoolPopulation and
FamilyLife Education Project, PDRY 1987.
(2)Report on the Orientation Course for Population Education Curriculum Developers
(3)Report on the Survey of Population Issues in Existing School Curricula &Text
Books,PDRY 1987.
(4)FinalReport on the Intensive Training Course for Pop Ed. Project Staff, PDRY
(5)Training Manual for Population Education- (Theoretical Part) PDRY 1988.
(6)Training Manual for Population Education (Practical Part) PDRY 1988
(7)Report on the Specialized Workshop for the In-School Population Education, PDRY
(8)Report on the Specialized Workshop For The out of School Population PDRY
(9)Report on the Workshop for Elaborating, the Out-of-School Population Education
CurriculumPDRY 1988.
(10)Scope and Sequence of Curricula For out of School Population Education
Curriculum,PDRY 1988.
(11)Report on the Workshop for the Preparation of Population Education Teachers'
Guidefor Literacy and Adult Education PDRY 1988.
(12)Report on the Socio-Cultural Case Study in order to determine The in School
PopulationEducation Curriculum PDRY 1988.
(13) Scope & Sequence of Curricula ForIn-School Population Education PDRY 1988
(14) A Study To Determine ObjectivesFields and Concepts of Population Education in
(15)Population Education Teacher's Guide for the 8 - year Unity School in PDRY
(16)Population Education Teacher's Guide for Secondary Schools in PDRY 1989. (17)Population Education Teachers Guide for Literacy/Adult Education in PDRY 1989.(18) FIVE Illustrated Booklets For The out-of-School Audience in The Field of
Populationand Family Life Education PDRY 1989.
(19)FIVE Stories For The out-of-School Audience in The Field of Population and
FamilyLife Education, PDRY 1989.
(20)FIVE plays for the out-of-School Audience in The Field of Population and Family
LifeEducation, PDRY 1989.
Papers and Lectures:
(1)Community Participation in Family Planning. The Indonesian Experience:
Implicationsfor Yemen (1990) (A report prepared for the international training Program on:
Planningand Managing Community Participation in Family Planning Programs.
(2)Population Education and Development: The Yemeni Experience. A paper
Presentedat the Regional Consultative Meeting on Population Education and Development.Amman, Jordan 1990.
(3)Factors Affecting the Establishing of a Happy Family. A lecture prepared forthe Seminar on: The Youth: The Leaders of the future Family Planning Programs1990.
(4) In-service Teachers Training: TheBalance Between Academic and Professional Aspects. A paper presented at theConference on the teaching Practice of Yemeni Teachers, Aden University 1992.
(5) Family Problems in the NationalPopulation Strategy. A Lecture prepared for the
Familyplanning training programs, Aden (1995).
(6)Developing Population Education Curriculum a Lecture prepared for (1995) PopEd. Courses.
(7)Aden University Experience in Translation: Perspectives for the Future ofTranslation and Arabization of Science Disciplines at Aden UniversityColleges., A paper read at the 'Atlas Conference on Translation and Languages',Amman, Jordan, 2005.
Translated Works:
-Polygamy(Trans. Arabic/English) Centre for Women Studies and Research 2008.
-Alternativesto Corporal Punishment (Trans. Eng/Ar) Save the Children 2006.
-PoliceTraining on Child Rights and Child Protection Trans.Eng/Ara) 2006.
-HadhramiDiaspora: Hadhrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean
1750-1967,U. Freitag and W. Clarence-Smith eds. (Trans. Eng/Ara) 2014.
-HadhrmiArabs in the Indian Ocean: Contribution to Economy, Society and Culture F.Alattas Ed. under printing.
Conferences, Workshops and Training Courses Attended:
(1)Sub-Regional Workshop for Writers of Instructional Materials for In-service
TeacherTraining in the Arab Countries.(Held by the Unesco Extension Service
UnitAmman Jordan (1978).
(2)Regional Course on Population Education Amman, Jordan (1987)..
(3)Study Tours to Tunisia and Morocca1989.
(4)International Training Program: Planning and Managing Community Participationin Family
Planning Programs: The Indonesian Experience (Indonesia 1990.
(5)USIA Multi-Regional Trainings Program (TESL). UAS 1992.
(6)First International Conference on EL T Hodeida University, Yemen., 2002
(7)Atlas Conference on 'Languages and Translation' Amman Jordan, 2005
(8)Training Course in 'Women Studies' The Hage, Netherlands.
(9) Workshop on Self-evaluation and ProgrammedSpecification in Higher Education, Aden 2009.
(10)Workshop on Academic Program Evaluation, Aden 2009.
(11)Workshop on ‘Periodical Evaluation of Academic Programmers’, Aden University, 2009.
Countries visited: Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE,Tunisia, Morocco,
Jordan, Syria, UK, USA, Sultanate of Oman, Singapore,Indonesia,
The Netherlands, Germany Belgium and Egypt.
Member(former), Aden University Council
Member,Science Arabization Society
Member,Postgraduate Studies Committee, English Dept. College of Education
Chairman(former), Academic Council of the Center for British, American, and TranslationStudies.
- Arabic is the motherlanguage.
- Fluent reading, writing andspeaking in English language.
- German.
On Request.